2019年6月18日 星期二


《古诗古画50首》(简体中文版)的电子书及纸版书在全球多个亚马逊网站有售(不含中国大陆)。中文书包含两个版本,“注音版” 及 “无注音版”, 分别有“电子书”和“纸版书”两种形式。注音版对古诗文字内容标注了拼音。无注音版,只对难字标注了拼音。请根据您的需要选择不同的版本。

《古诗古画50首》的朗读音频由多个美国华裔家庭参与录制。有声书即将在Audible.com 上市。图文音频结合的有声电子书App 即将将在 apple app store 和 google play store 上市。

更多内容请访问: amazon.com/author/slowrabbit

The kindle ebook and paperback of “50 Ancient Chinese Poems with Ancient Chinese Paintings (Simplified Chinese Edition)” are available on Amazon.com worldwide excluding mainland China. The book has two versions. One version is marked with Pinyin and the other without Pinyin. Please select the version that best suits your need.

The audio narration is made by multiple Chinese American families. The Audio book will be available on audible.com and the interactive ebooks/apps will be available in Apple app store and Google play store soon. Please stay tuned.

For more information about the books by Slow Rabbit, please visit: Amazon.com/author/slowrabbit

